Weekend Seminar on the Family, Mental Health and Addictions

January 25, 2020

Session 1: Friday, January 24, 2020, 7 PM to 8:15 PM

Anxiety/Depression and the Christian

Forty million people at any time report clinical anxiety in the forms of panic attacks, obsessions and compulsions, post-traumatic stress, social anxiety and generalized anxiety.  What’s a Christian to do?

Depression often travels with anxiety.  How did depressed Bible characters cope with their depression?

Are depression and anxiety necessarily a sign of “lack of faith”?

Session 2: Saturday, January 25, 2020, 9:30 AM to 10:15 AM

Alcohol/Drugs/Prescription Drugs and Substance Dependency

Nearly 23 million Americans are addicted to alcohol or other drugs.  That is 1 in 10 people.  The most common drug type abused is prescription drugs.  Why is quitting so hard?  Learn how the brain can be captured by Satan’s counterfeit solutions to dealing with life.  Learn how to develop a network to “bust” addictions. Jesus can set us free!

Session 3: Saturday, January 25, 2020, 11:00 AM to 12:15 PM

Husband/Wife Relations

Is communication between wife and husband effective?  Are we a family of secrets?  Narcissistic?  Working to build a home or to destroy it?   This lesson explores attitudes behind the family roles and how they drive the roles.

Session 4: Sunday, January 26, 2020, 9:00 AM to 9:45 AM

Pornography (Contains explicit material regarding this topic)

63% of “Christian” men view pornography at least weekly according to a Barna survey.  “Sex” is the most common word entered into internet search engines.  What happens as pornography hijacks the brain of men and women?  More importantly, how does one loosen the grip and get free?  It’s harder than you think.  Learn why.

(Our regular service for observing the Lord’s Supper will take place from 10:00 AM to 10:45 AM)

Session 5: Sunday, January 26, 2020, 11 AM to 12 Noon

Determining Family Priorities

Why are we married?  What is the mission of our home?  Accepting time limits, where do we direct the energy and activities of our family?  Are we focused or drifting in our family?  Are our extracurricular activities interfering with being a Christian? Let’s explore the consequences of “living out of balance” and those of “living in balance” as a family.

Special Notes

  • Childcare will be provided for sessions 1 – 3; Bible Classes for children of all ages will be held during session 4.
  • 30 minutes of questions and responses will be followed after the 45 minute presentation.

Art Adams is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW), and Licensed Clinical Addictions Counselor (LCAC), a Certified Alcohol and Drug Addiction Counselor—Level 4 (CADACIV), a Nationally Certified Parenting Evaluator (NCPE), a Nationally Certified Child Evaluator (NCCE) and Internationally Certified in Addiction Counseling. He holds the four-year certificate of Achievement for Biblical Studies from Florida College, a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Purdue University and a master’s degree in Social Work from Andrews University. Mr. Adams has served as an adjunct professor at Andrews University and Indiana University/ Purdue University (IUPUI).

Mr. Adams is first a gospel preacher having preached fulltime for seventeen years followed by twenty-two years of part-time evangelism. He is from a family of gospel preachers. He currently works with the church of Christ in Plymouth, IN.

During his twenty-five years in mental health and addiction, Mr. Adams has served as therapist, clinical director, chief operation officer, JCAHO consultant, Corporate Vice President of Operations, Corporate Addictions/Trauma/Recovery Specialist, board chair for ACP group homes, director of the family program at a residential center for recovering addicted families, Senior Director working with homeless persons, including homeless veterans. He has served on numerous committees including the All Hazards Advisory Board to the Indiana Division of Mental Health and Addiction for Homeland Security. He led a fourteen-county disaster team during the flood disaster in central Indiana in 2002. During hurricane Katrina, he was deputized and deployed by the Governor of Indiana as a “first responder” and honored by a citation from the Mayor of Indianapolis. He has presented over forty-weekend seminars/gospel meetings on addictions in recent years and is in demand for presentations on addictions, mental health, and family issues in the church.

He is Executive Director for Leaving the Pit Behind, an organization designed to provide mental health and addiction education services to church leaders. Leaving the Pit Behind also provides digital and face to face clinical counseling services to members of the church. Plans are in the early stages to build a team of Christians to open a residential treatment center for mental health and addiction issues arising among members of the church.

Mr. Adams can be contacted via email at artadams3049@yahoo.com or by texting him at 574-229-7983.

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