Why Do We Do What We Do?

September 1, 2009

Every day I get on our website either to make sure it is up and running or to add some new content. Every day I see the special category block that says events. Usually we just run information about the special events like Gospel meetings or new Bible classes. We want folks to know about the different Bible studies that are available. We don’t put anything up about our regular events like ongoing Bible classes or regularly scheduled assemblies, maybe we should.

I think about some of the other special events we have had over the past few years. We have had Fall Focuses with intense study on one topic and multiple opportunities to grow. We have had Vacation Bible Schools focusing on evidences for our faith. We have had singings and prayer services. We have had special evangelistic efforts. 

Seeing this category on our website, thinking about all that we have done, and even thinking just about the website itself makes me stop and ask a question. Why? Why have we done all these things? Why do we have these special events?

I don’t know what is on everybody else’s mind, but I have to make a confession. I don’t think I’ve had my head on straight about any of these things. When I get gut-wrenchingly honest with myself, I have to say that the reason I’ve suggested and promoted any of these events has basically been because we are a church and churches are supposed to do things. These all seemed like scriptural things to do. They all seemed like cool things to do. Let’s try it. Once they are scheduled, I’ve then worked on trying to get everyone else to see how neat they are so they’ll participate.

The fact is, if the only reason we are doing something is because it is a scriptural and neat thing to try, then we might as well can it. I mean that all the way from our intense Fall Focuses to our ordinary run of the mill classes and assemblies. If we are only doing things because churches do things, then we are only “playing church” and we ought to just close up our doors and go some place else.

God didn’t establish local churches just so we could try neat things. God established local churches because we are at war. We are fighting a battle we are going to lose if we don’t stay connected to God. Ephesians 6:10-13 says we are fighting against rulers, authorities, spiritual forces of evil, and cosmic powers of darkness. We are fighting against Satan himself. Let’s face it, we can’t win that war. But God can. In fact, God has. The only way we can win is if we are constantly connected to God.

I hope you caught that. We can’t win this war just by going to a neat church that does cool stuff. We can’t win this war just because we are members at the right church that only does scriptural stuff. We can only win this battle when we are standing in the Lord’s might. We can only win this battle when we are constantly connected to God.

Sadly, too often we are standing in our own strength and “going to church” sometimes as part of establishing our own righteousness. Then we wonder why we keep getting beat by Satan every day as we fall prey to lying, gossiping, pride, arrogance, lusting, cheating, jealousy, and so many other things. We wonder why the love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control elude us so often.

Maybe everyone else has been getting this. Perhaps I’m the only one with this problem. If so, then let this be my confessional. If not, then let us regroup and recognize that God established the Franklin Church of Christ as a battalion of His army. He has placed us together so we can gain strength from Him through our connection to each other. We do things to help us put on the armor, fight the battle, and honor God for His victories. We are not here to check off our church stuff. We are here to lift up God’s banner, walk into the fray, defeat our enemy, and praise our King for His benevolence to us. 

That must be why we do what we do. That must be why we assemble every week. That must be why we have our Bible classes. That must be why we have our special studies. That must be why we have our special series. Only then will they actually help us win the battle.

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Inclement Weather Announcement

Sunday Morning In-Person Service is Canceled

UPDATE 1/20/2024 at 7 pm:
Sunday Morning 10 AM In-Person Service is CANCELED

Due to inclement weather our parking lot –has completely frozen with black ice. The temperature is too cold for any salt to be activated and melt the ice. For the safety of everyone, we have canceled our church services for tomorrow. We apologize for any inconvenience to you.