In just 14 days we are having our huge evangelism push as we try to invite as many people as possible to worship with us and hear a lesson that will help us all learn to lean on the Lord as we face difficult times. The sermon is entitled “If You Want to Win Life’s Lottery, You’ve Got to Lean on the Lord.”
If you’re following our website, on Tuesday you learned that over half of Americans claim they would visit a church if they received a personal invitation. That is part of why this kind of effort is really important.
We’ve really pushed the invitations this week. If you’re like me, you’ve gone through the obvious and are now trying to figure out who else you can invite. I thought it would be a great time for us to consider the obvious and not so obvious folks we might invite.
- a spouse who doesn’t attend
- children who have fallen away
- parents who never obeyed the gospel
- siblings who aren’t Christians or aren’t faithful
- in-laws
- used-to-be-members
- co-workers
- classmates (teenagers you can invite folks too)
- neighbors
- prodigals who have gone out into the world
- bank tellers
- waiters and waitresses
- checkout clerks at Wal-Mart, etc.
- gas station clerks
- baseball/softball/volleyball/soccer team and coaches
- Facebook and MySpace friends
- Cracker Barrel hostesses
- barber/hairdresser
- teachers/professors
- club members (Lion’s, Kiwanis, Rotary, etc.)
- PTA/PTO members
- roommates
- mechanic
- meat counter lady/guy
- carpool
- drycleaner
- accountant
- doctor/nurse
- physical therapist
- daycare provider
- dentist
- pharmacist
- optometrist
- florist
- chiropractor
- UPS or FedEx guy
The fields are white for harvest. Let’s pray the Lord will send forth workers and inviters.