While the rest of the nation will simply be celebrating our nation’s independence, we will be celebrating our spiritual independence through the blood of Jesus Christ on July 4. However, the Franklin Church will also be starting a new segment of it’s life and work.
Mitch Davis and his family will be starting their work with us. We are extremely excited to have Mitch join our fellowship. We know his sincerity and his desire to glorify God through teaching God’s will. II Timothy 4:1-2 gives Mitch the charge to preach the word, ready in season and out of season to reprove, rebuke, and exhort us with patience and teaching. We are certain Mitch will fulfill that charge and help us grow in our work and ministering.
We invite any and all to join us, not simply to meet Mitch and his family, but rather to hear the gospel preached in simplicity and sincerity. Join us as we continue our work in glorifying God (cf. Ephesians 3:20-21).
Welcome Mitch and family!